Riccardo Di Capua

Biography Information

Having practiced engineering and business successfully, I am very aware of the skills needed to survive in a competitive world. The goal now is to share these skills with the students. Whenever possible, real-life examples and problems will be woven into the classes. By the same token, knowing what professional ambitions each student has will assist me in making the classes even more relevant.

Teaching Philosophy

The courses are designed to be stress-free. The focus is on cutting up each problem into bite-size pieces, and then using impeccable table manners to go from one step to the next. Short-cuts are not taught in these courses. The method used will always be the longest, most arduous one, but the one that comes with a certainty that the student will get the right answer.

Yes, they are VERY HARD courses. Students sign up and pay tuition fees to learn the subject matter. They will get their money?s worth.

Just as doing laps in swimming, practice comes from doing increasingly harder problems every day until the mind is sharpened and the stamina is built up to attack even the most daunting of math problems.

Teaching Credentials

Bachelor of Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Master of Business Administration
Business Administration
Harvard University